Ok, I don't know about you, but after every holiday I feel this big emotional letdown. I hype myself up for the Holiday, and once it is over, it is like a ball rolling back down a hill. It should not be like this! This Easter I have decided not to let it fizzle out like years past. I started thinking about the meaning of Easter. I have always known that this was the celebration of my Savior overcoming death and the world and rising from the dead. It is a Glorious Holiday filled with hope, power, and forgiveness. Elevation Church really put things into perspective with their 3D Easter Experience and I was amazed at all of the Salvations..but yet again as some of my egroup mates like to call it I was on a Holy hangover...nothing seemed to compare! After the ham was sliced and the eggs found, there I was again...fizzling out...but wait...EGGS!!!
Looking at the pictures of Lilly hunting those Easter Eggs really gave me an epiphinany (a word I have never used before now). What if we treated everyday like an Easter Egg hunt? No I do not mean eating jelly beans until you fill dizzy, or body slamming your cousin to get the last egg, I'm thinking of the overwhelming since of anticipation when you find that egg and bust it open to see what is inside. Ok, now every year (except this year) it is a family tradition to head to Charleston and have a HUGE family reunion for Easter. I remember hunting non-stop to find the "PRIZE" egg. This was the egg that was wrapped in tin foil (no we are not high society kind of folk), and always had a $5.00 bill inside. What is my point?...
#1- Why don't we wake up every morning looking for our "PRIZE" Egg. We should get up, thank God for a new day, and spend the rest of that day looking for the blessings God has in store for you. Everyday should feel like an Easter Egg hunt.. So what if your boss made you work overtime (see the above comment about cousins body slamming), thats ok.. you are on a mission looking for that "PRIZE" egg.
This year we did the hunt in our own back yard, with just Lilly looking for eggs. The prize egg this year was a yellow egg with purple polka dots (I was nervous Lilly might try to eat the egg, with tin foil this would not be good). Inside the Egg was a dollar bill. Lilly found the egg, popped it open, and then saw the dollar and.....threw it to the ground...WHAT?! This was the PRIZE egg!!! Next Point...
#2- Sometimes we don't realize what the "PRIZE" is. Lilly is only 22 months so she had no idea what that dollar was. All she knew was that the other eggs had jelly beans which she could have instant gratification in her mouth. Naturally she dropped the money and went for the beans.. In the Easter Egg hunt of life we do the same!! We stop the hunt, and go for the instant gratification..or... we get the PRIZE and don't realize how great it is.
Every day God gives us blessings and it is our choice what we do with them. I encourage all of my "many" readers (haha) to start each day like an Easter Egg hunt. Look around, get on the ground, look into dark places, and get on your knees.. God has a "PRIZE" egg waiting on you!
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